Huxley's future is more believable than the future created by either Orwell or Bradbury. This edition of Brave New World includes a letter written by Huxley to Wells, shortly after the publication of 1984. Huxley praises the book, but notes that the violent coercion that takes place in 1984 will ultimately give way to a more subtle form. Brave New World's ubiquitous somma that puts those who take it into a coma-like state of bliss strikes me as a more practical method of control than brute force.
While none of these books offers a completely accurate reflection of modern society, they come eerily close at many points. Huxley is not concerned with making specific predictions, but the world that he describes has many parallels to the present.
Note: P.S. is an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers. They produce great editions of classic works. The supplementary materials are informative and insightful. Even the binding if better than most books, allowing the book to actually remain open while you read it, instead of constantly flipping shut. Look for great P.S. books at your local bookseller!
With the Patriot Act, we are closer to 1984 than ever.
Curse you, George Bush.
The Patriot Act is the only reason that I sleep comfortably at night.
Brave New World > 1984
In every way.
"... please for the love of God don't read that Brave New World book by Hoxley. It is twice as worse as 1984."
Source: Amazon reviews of George Orwell's 1984
Really funny stuff!
...to bad you spelled "hoxely" wrong...it's huxley, and i read "animal farm, by orwell, in a day, and loved it.. the extended metephor pervading the entire theme of the book is brilliant...definately should be on anyone's "books to read" list.
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