Sunday, January 1, 2006

Christopher's Books 2025

31. Chasing Bright Medusas
by Benjamin Taylor
30. Alexander's Bridge
by Willa Cather
29. Chasing Homer
by Laszlo Krasznahorkai
28. Autobiography of Red
by Anne Carson
27. The Setting Sun
by Osamu Dazai
26. To Hell With Poets
by Baqytgul Sarmekova
25. Paradais
by Fernanda Melchor
24. A Heart So White
by Javier Marias
23. Ornament of the World
by Rosa Maria Menocal
22. The Hive
by Camilo Jose Cela
21. Temporary
by Hilary Leichter
20. Christendom
by Peter Heather
19. Chess Story
by Stefan Zwieg
18. The Jade Cabinet
by Rikki Ducornet
17. Last Days
by Brian Evenson
16. The Only Problem
by Muriel Spark
15. The Sense of an Ending
by Julian Barnes
14. Destroy, She Said
by Marguerite Duras
13. The Blind Owl
by Sedagh Hedayat
12. My Name is Sita
by Bea Vianen
11. Trout Fishing in America
by Richard Brautigan
10. The Employees
by Olga Ravn
9. Native New Yorkers
by Evan T. Pritchard
8. Pushing the Bear
by Diane Glancy
7. The Removed
by Brandon Hobson
6. Maud's Line
by Margaret Verble
5. The Indian Lawyer
by James Welch
4. The Indian Card
by Carrie Lowery Schuettpelz
3. The Ancient Child
by N. Scott Momaday
2. The Mighty Red
by Louise Erdrich
1. Mating
by Norman Rush

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